Marriage tarot questions
and answers reading
Marriage tarot questions and answers reading
Marriage Tarot Card
Reading Online
Marriage Tarot Card Reading Online
Love celtic cross tarot
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Love celtic cross tarot reading - relationship / marriage
Tarot relationship tips
Tarot relationship tips - marriage
Marriage tarot
reading 2024
Marriage tarot reading 2024

Do you know which cards in the tarot deck (major and minor arcana) indicate a marriage based on true feelings
(love, affection, desire, attraction) and which indicate a marriage based on ulterior motives
(money, possessions, social status)? See which cards these are and what each one of them means:

Cards that indicate marriage based on real feelings:

Arcanum III: The Empress – This card shows that the person knows what they are doing and what they want, intending to form a true and lasting bond, maintaining the feeling of love, ensuring that it is a true and productive relationship.

Arcanum V: The Pope – The awareness of affection in this card allows the marriage to be conscious and based on constructive love. It is not a passing passion, but a bond built on friendship, loyalty and trust, which allow for an affectionate marriage.

Arcanum XI: Strength – This card shows that only those who know very well what they feel and how to build a secure bond get married. In addition to desire and will, Strength suggests that the feeling has the consistency to support a stable relationship.

Arcanum XVII: The Star – The hope and idealism of this card favor a marriage based on love, expectation and harmony. In this card, union is impossible if there is no love and satisfaction involved.

Arcanum XIX: The Sun – Encounter, union, reciprocity and love are necessary bases for a stable relationship. This card shows that there is equality and truth in affections, in addition to presenting equally genuine intentions from both parties.

2 of Cups – This card indicates union and overflow from both parties involved. It shows the condition of seeking and finding someone who thinks the same way and who gives back what they receive, favoring the encounter and loving union.

3 of Cups – The celebration and joy of being able to live with the one you love is the central point of this card. The main theme is affection, allowing the 3 to celebrate and build something true in this sense. It suggests that there is room to enjoy the choices made for love.

10 of Cups – True fulfillment in a relationship must contain love at its foundation. Only in this way is it possible to achieve goals and objectives, knowing that all of this has a purpose, which is to love and be loved. This is the fuel for fulfillment as a couple.

Cards that "may" indicate a marriage of interests:

Arcanum IV: The Emperor – Suggests the realization and effectiveness of a marriage, but the motivation for this may not be only sentimental, as this card speaks of values ​​and principles that override affection. The concern for security, the search for status and a solid foundation are more relevant than feelings.

Arcanum X: The Wheel of Fortune – The volatility of this card can make someone get involved thinking about many other things besides love. Life's concerns, practical and mental needs, all of these can override affection when deciding on a marriage.

Arcanum XV: The Devil – This card can carry intense feelings, but it can indicate that the main concern in the relationship is not depth, but the achievements that involve the situation. It suggests vanity, egocentrism and aspects that hinder reciprocity and noble motivations.

Arcanum Without Number: The Fool – This card shows little attachment and little concern for deep or lasting issues. You prefer pleasure, fun and freedom, so in a marriage you may show different motivations when making a decision or entering into a long-term relationship.

7 of Swords – Diplomacy and a tendency to act sneakily may indicate that there are more reasons to get married, which go beyond love. Trying to do something you want, achieving something you want and proving something to people may be reasons to make a significant commitment like marriage.

Page of Swords – This card indicates the search for improvements and gains or achievements. In a relationship, the concern may be winning, doing well, interests that may be above affection or nobler motivations. It suggests an attitude based on self-interest.

Knight of Cups – Suggests empty promises and little fulfillment of what you commit to do. The feeling in this card is never enough, what you seek is almost impossible or intangible, so if you get married or have a marriage, it is possible that you are longing for other things and not just love.

King of Cups – Suggests that attitudes are guided by oneself and not by other causes or reasons. The need to improve, the desire for recognition and comfort or even the interest in being seen in a different light can motivate the decision to get married.

Tips for succeeding in a Tarot card reading about wedding.

- Choose a spread that meets the central theme of your reading.
- Before you start reading, look for a place where you can be comfortable, without anyone being able to disturb you.
- If you are nervous, agitated or very anxious about obtaining the answers you are looking for, from a time (a break) wait for you to calm down so that this energy does not negatively influence the reading outcome.
- Focus well on your wedding, try to mentally visualize you and your partner, think about what you want to ask (be careful not to think of several things at one time, ask a question at a time) do not include several questions in The same question.
- Start your reading
- Read carefully the Tarot message to your wedding, but keep in mind that sometimes it takes time to completely assimilate what has been revealed.

When should I use a wedding tarot reading?

Every time you have any questions, or you feel the need for a love advice you can read for free. Here at Tarot of Love website there are no limits for readings, you use the content available online every time you want. The readings available here aims to help you know better and help improve your relationship with your husband (wife).

How can a wedding tarot reading help you?

- Assisting a better understanding of the past, understanding the present moment and better planning the loving future.
Helping to diagnose your wedding areas that need improvements.
- Helping dealing with anxiety, complexes, concern, feelings of rejection or inferiority.
- Helping you evolve as a whole.
- Collaborating with the improvement of personality, making their relationship with the other lighter.
- providing you with useful advice on marital relationship.
- Opening your mind, making you see and focus on the positives of your wedding, giving less emphasis on small details.
- If you are undecided, the tarot can show you what are the consequences and benefits of opting for either side.
- Connecting you with your intuition.
- It helps you overcome moments of crisis in marriage.

What questions to ask Tarot Reader About Marriage?

Most correct is asking questions that involve you and your partner (husband / wife). The important thing is that you focus well before you start reading, seeking to mentalize exactly what is happening in your relationship.

Questions for those who are in a relationship, but not yet married:
- I'm getting married ?
- When am I getting married?
- Will he propose to me in marriage?
- Is the wedding at my destination?

Examples of questions for those who are married:

- How to save a marriage after betrayal?
- Is it worth staying married?
- How to save a marriage in crisis?
- How to make my husband love me?
- What is the future of my marriage?
- How will the dynamics of my marriage be this month?
- What to do to balance my marriage?
- How to improve dialogue within marriage?
- How can I make my husband more affectionate?
- My husband cheated on me, should I forgive?
- How to expose my desires to my husband?
- How can I approach a sensitive topic with my husband?

Can I ask tarot cards about my relationship?

Firstly, it is necessary to choose a spread that involves the subject of your doubt, then it is necessary to concentrate well on your relationship, avoiding reading the cards in moments of emotional outburst, so that this vibration does not influence the answer.
Try to avoid insisting on the same question on the same day, if you are unable to clarify your doubt, try to formulate the question in another way.
The more direct and objective your question, the greater the chances of an accurate answer.

What are good questions to ask the tarot about relationship?

When crafting your questions, instead of focusing on the problems in the relationship, set your mind on seeking solutions to existing conflicts.


- How can I improve the relationship dynamics with my partner?
- What does my partner expect from me?
- What does my partner offer me emotionally?
- What do I want (hope) from this relationship?
- Will this relationship bring me what I need emotionally?
- What is the future of my relationship?
- What can I do to avoid conflicts with my partner?
- How should I talk to my partner about my emotional dissatisfactions?
- How to improve intimacy with my partner?
- What can I do to improve my current relationship?