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A single-card love tarot reading is the most practical, simple and objective way to get answers to your emotional questions. Here you will find several types of psychic readings with tarot cards, using everything from classic decks such as the Marseille and Rider Waite tarots, to modern decks such as the fairy, angel, orisha, goddess, gnome and more.
Get clarity, insights, advice, tips and suggestions for your love life, all in a simple and fast way. The single-card tarot provides you with accurate and reliable answers. Before clicking on one of the cards, focus on what you want to ask the oracle.

What are the best tarot cards ?

The study and analysis of tarot cards raises many questions and also controversial concepts, because over time and with a deeper understanding of the symbolism, the card that previously seemed negative becomes positive (and vice versa). In addition to memorizing meanings or knowing what each plane represents, it is essential to experience the cards and understand how they work in practice, because each person has their own experience and carries a different story to tell. Therefore, it is very relative to define the best tarot cards, because they can present themselves in an unfavorable way at different times or do not offer satisfaction to those who experience them, even if they are considered beneficial.
In any case, some arcana carry with them aspects that are undeniably well accepted by the individual, becoming arcana well seen/received by most consultants.
For this proposal, reversed cards will not be presented, since reversed cards modify some manifestations of the arcana, but do not change its essence. Well-structured and promising cards will be so, whether played in a normal or inverted position (as is the case with complex or complicated cards).
Below are the best major and minor arcana of the tarot.

Empress – The Empress card presents growth and development as its main attributes, which are linked to material prosperity, mental creativity, mature feelings and spiritual awareness. Therefore, it is a card that favors the game most of the time, adjusting to what is necessary in the situations analyzed, in addition to providing space for the interpreted benefits to be expanded and expanded.

Chariot – The Chariot card represents the unshakable purpose, that is, the objective that motivates and stimulates the individual. Therefore, it is an arcana that allows for fast pace, mental direction, intense emotional involvement and the ability to perceive situations based on their harmony with the moment. In this way, it is a card that accelerates, favors and benefits the situations presented in the game.

Strength – The Strength card associates the management of situations, however difficult they may be, with security and mastery of the moment. Therefore, it is an arcane that indicates autonomy and self-sufficiency, important and beneficial elements in any game analyzed.

Strength has firmness, security, and shows skill and awareness of its role in any process of life, which is why it acts and accomplishes everything with competence.

Star – The Star card represents fluidity, transparency and hope. Therefore, wherever it is positioned, it tends to show faith as the basis or essence of the situation. It is an arcane that achieves what it wants without exaggeration, thinks and acts clearly, feels naturally and trusts itself in addition to believing in life. In this way, it favors and enlightens any game house in which it is interpreted.

Sun – The Sun card represents awareness and discernment regarding situations and/or people in life. Therefore, it shows the ease of seeing the truth without creating ways to hide or escape the inevitable. Aware of its limits and also open to exchange, the Sun is able to achieve success based on its life experience and the certainty it carries with it in each step taken on its personal journey. A card of achievement, success and brilliance.

World – The World card is the last numbered card in the tarot, and therefore carries with it rich symbolism and equally profound attributes. This arcane indicates evolution, the change that favors and leads to a new moment in life. It is the perfect conclusion of a long cycle that opens up to the unknown without fears and concerns. Therefore, the World is the door to a new moment, to full transitions and to the mature awareness of life.

Ace of Pentacles – The Ace of Pentacles card indicates the power of achievement, essential for all individuals who wish to achieve goals in life or, even, people who intend to build things on the material plane that are relevant and important to them. This arcane gives strength, capacity and energy to carry out or achieve what one proposes. It is the conscious, firm and objective beginning that opens the doors to achievement.

8 of Pentacles – The 8 of Pentacles card is the step that leads to improvement and benefit. This arcane appears when there has already been a path before, where much has been overcome and learned, therefore it indicates the transition that leads the individual in the direction of an effective achievement or even a progressive change. It is the bridge to a favorable future and to the benefits naturally deserved.

Queen of Pentacles – The Queen of Pentacles card is the symbol of permanence and consistency necessary for all moments of structuring. It cultivates security, cultivates gains and keeps reality properly organized. It is an arcane that provides stability and inner security in addition to the practical security that is created around us. Therefore, it is a favorable card that maintains and remains within its achievements.

Ace of Swords – The Ace of Swords card denotes the intensity essential to any and all processes in life. The Swords suit carries struggle and action, therefore, it requires a lot of commitment and energy to follow the chosen path. In this way, the Ace gives the individual the power to act and shows that there is an intention that will hardly be dismissed throughout the process. Here, wanting is power.

Knight of Swords – The Knight of Swords card shows the determination that favors any individual to achieve what they want. In this arcane, there is no obstacle or hindrance that can take the consultant away from their idea or goal. Therefore, it is a beneficial card that gives energy and vitality to move forward, dealing with any problem or obstacle, until achieving what was previously defined and determined.

Ace of Cups – The Ace of Cups card indicates abundance. In this arcane there is emotional power, which gives the will to live, to change, to move forward or even to create something new. It is in emotion that everything is born or sprouts, which is why the Ace of Cups allows abundance wherever it is positioned in play, generating inspiration, energy, true intentions and ideals.

3 of Cups – The 3 of Cups card represents celebration, the construction that inspires and motivates the individual, which is why it associates the number 3 (which represents growth) with the suit of Cups (which refers to emotion, inspiration and idealization). The 3 of Cups symbolizes the part of the journey where one should celebrate life, where one should admire what has been built and where the desire to move forward revitalized and even more motivated is reinforced.

Page of Cups – The Page of Cups card shows the good intention that leads the individual towards a fair and deserved achievement. Here there is character, positive intention, true attitude, honest concepts. Therefore, the Page of Cups is a promising arcana. Although it does not guarantee achievement, it carries with it all the elements to follow an honorable and dignified path in the desired direction.

Ace of Wands – The Ace of Wands card is the power to create. Therefore, it favors any gambling house, granting fertility, creativity, and energy so that one can pursue one's desire without harming others. The association of maturity and awareness helps the ACE of Wands to begin any process in a fair and prepared way. Therefore, it is the noble and honorable impulse that motivates any journey in life.

8 of Wands – The 8 of Wands card represents the moment to evolve and prepare for the new. Therefore, it is an arcane that benefits mature and conscious conclusions so that the new emerges in a natural and motivating way. The 8 of Wands is the change well made, the phase or cycle that demonstrates calm capacity and mastery, favorable and welcome elements in any analyzed theme of life.

King of Wands – The King of Wands card associates power with awareness. Therefore, it is a card that shows the capacity and competence to accomplish anything, without selfishness or injustice. This arcane carries with it the wisdom, control and generosity to do whatever is necessary with altruism. The King of Wands is the valuable and well-constructed achievement that carries with it the chance of durability and harmony.

What are the worst tarot cards?

Just like the cards considered most favorable in the tarot, the worst cards follow the same line of reasoning. In other words, it is possible to find scholars who prefer cards considered complicated precisely because they broaden the reading and deal with reality in a different way. Therefore, the understanding of the arcana ends up being relativized, where the best cards may not be welcome or satisfactory in certain game issues; just as the unfavorable ones may be well accepted in certain circumstances. In any case, the most complex or complicated cards carry in their main attributes elements that do not please individuals most of the time because they are arcana that shake the structure or even generate fear, suffering, pain. This proposal is limited to cards in their upright position, because inverted cards do not change their essence, only certain manifestations; that is, a complicated card in upright position continues to be complicated inverted, what will change is its manifest ation or intensity. Below are the worst major and minor arcana, analyzed in a normal position with their respective elements that characterize them.

Lovers – The Lovers arcana is often considered a love card and is therefore seen as favorable. However, beyond the sentimental aspect, the Lovers represents free will and life choices that require responsibility. Therefore, it carries insecurity, fear, hesitation, immaturity and a divided behavior when faced with life choices. It hinders attitudes and prevents the natural flow of the game.

Justice – The Justice arcana represents the direct action of destiny at the moment analyzed, therefore, it tends to generate tension in any gambling house. Justice requires definition, positioning, and brings coldness and distance. Therefore, it is a card that can create difficulties, such as intolerance, distance, insensitivity and a lack of flexibility to solve problems.

Wheel of Fortune – The Wheel of Fortune arcana represents the ups and downs of life. Therefore, it is often analyzed as favorable. The difficulty with this card is precisely the lack of stability, which therefore leads to oscillation in any situation. If the situation is going well, it could go bad at any time (and vice versa). The oscillation itself, the lack of definition or foundation, creates lasting problems.

The Hanged Man – The Hanged Man arcana demonstrates the stagnation that the individual fears so much in any aspect of personal and practical life. This card prevents events, changes and even prevents a realistic view of circumstances. Utopia, idealization, perfectionism combined with stagnation create an arcana of obstacles and intense challenges for the consultant.

Temperance – The Temperance arcana presents the suspension of events by the action of destiny. In other words, life suspends events and circumstances, preventing things from happening in a timely manner or at the expected time. Therefore, Temperance challenges the patience, the ability to achieve things and also the ability to wait for long deadlines in practical life situations. It is a card of waiting and procrastination.

Tower – The Tower card deals with the fear that every individual carries when dealing with abandonment, loss and harm. This card symbolizes the lack of control, everything that can happen in someone's life and that is not foreseen or controlled. Therefore, the Tower indicates the problems and obstacles that occur and cannot be prevented in practical life.

Moon – The Moon card indicates the nebulousness that affects people and situations, making events difficult and also the understanding of the client. Even if there is progress or prosperity, there is also confusion, fear, distrust, passionate emotions that distort events and do not favor resolutions or even achievements. It is a card of darkness and insecurity.

5 of Pentacles – The 5 of Pentacles arcana represents physical separation. Therefore, it shakes up personal relationships, emotional involvements, and prevents gains or progress in material life. It is a card that refers to real losses, which cannot be avoided or modified, unless one is willing to give up what one has achieved and lose a little in order to have a new chance to gain in the future. It is a card of losses and distance.

2 of Swords – The 2 of Swords arcana shows the insurmountable obstacle, one of the most challenging cards for an individual, because what one desires becomes impossible. The 2 of Swords indicates conflict, confrontation, opinions that do not fit together, immutable positions, and unfeasible actions. Therefore, it is a card that disturbs and makes any situation unfeasible.

3 of Swords – The 3 of Swords arcana shows the frustration resulting from a fruitless path. In other words, this card shows that from the beginning there was a lot of desire, but little flexibility, and precisely the rigidity created a dead-end situation in which the only answer is to give up. Therefore, the feeling of failure and of not achieving what one wants due to mistakes and inflexible thinking creates an infertile path.

8 of Swords – The 8 of Swords arcana represents illicit relationships in any situation. It can be a questionable attitude in social, family, emotional, professional or material life. The aspect that draws the most attention in this card is that the individual here does not give up on what he wants and insists on mistakes and unscrupulous or selfish attitudes.
Therefore, it is a card that warns about future losses and damages resulting from negative attitudes.

9 of Swords – The 9 of Swords arcana represents irreparable loss, that which cannot be changed and which does not allow one to go back. In other words, it is a challenging card that shows the limits of the human being. No one likes to clearly see their limits or the restrictions of life, therefore, it is a card that creates pain, suffering and discomfort through losses in any instance.

4 of Cups – The 4 of Cups arcana represents the insecurity that creates problems for the future. It is a card that has no evidence at hand, but looks to the future with fear and believes that it is on a path in life where it will encounter losses. A negative and pessimistic attitude usually ends up attracting the problem that is so feared, therefore, the 4 of Cups is the problem that arises from the negative behavior of the consultant.

7 of Cups – The 7 of Cups arcana shows the illusion and fantasy that harm the consultant in several ways. There is fear of reality, escape from the truth and the insistence on believing in non-existent possibilities. Here, the consultant is deluded and believes in impossible paths. Therefore, the 7 of Cups denounces a distorted behavior that creates a reality of losses and problems.

Knight of Cups – The Knight of Cups arcana represents false promises. It is a complicated card because it shows plausible and enchanting possibilities, but it does not allow what was promised or presented to be fulfilled. Therefore, it cultivates disappointment, loss and deceit.
The Knight of Cups symbolizes vain expectations and moments that do not last forever.

Queen of Swords – The Queen of Swords arcana represents revenge, hurt and resentment that motivate any individual to get what they want regardless of what they have to do. Therefore, it is a card that has the power to act, but usually cultivates hatred around it.
The Queen of Swords has strategy and power, but nothing she does is well-intentioned, indicating a dangerous, ill-intentioned and negative situation.